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Enter your unique identification number for businesses and individuals that import or export goods into or out of the European Union (EU).
You can register for an EORI number online through your country’s customs website. It usually takes about three days to receive an EORI number, so it’s recommended to apply a few weeks before shipping.
Enter your unique identification number for businesses and individuals that import or export goods into or out of the European Union (EU).
You can register for an EORI number online through your country’s customs website. It usually takes about three days to receive an EORI number, so it’s recommended to apply a few weeks before shipping.
Enter your unique identification number for businesses and individuals that import or export goods into or out of the European Union (EU).
You can register for an EORI number online through your country’s customs website. It usually takes about three days to receive an EORI number, so it’s recommended to apply a few weeks before shipping.
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