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19 Jan 2016


Lifting slings are an essential facet of your lifting equipment and it is important that you use the right ones for the right purposes. Slings come in many different types, including chain slings, wire rope slings, polyester webbing and round slings, all of which are supplied by the Lifting Equipment Store. The majority of our slings are manufactured in the UK, so we will be able to provide bespoke products if you have any special requirements – just speak to us for further details. Each sling will have its own individual purpose, for example, polyester webbing slings are ideal for manoeuvring objects which could be damaged by a chain or wire rope sling.

As slings are so integral to your lifting procedures, you’ll need to ensure that you look after them correctly and that they undergo regular maintenance and testing. Here are some general pointers for keeping your slings in good working order:

Always plan all lifts thoroughly and carefully. Don’t take any chances.
Check the weight capacities and dimensions to ensure that your sling will be suitable for the lift you’re planning.
Check slings regularly yourself for visible signs of wear and tear. If you notice any damage the sling should be replaced immediately.
Ensure that there are no twists in the material and that no knots have been tied in it.
Use protective sleeves and corner pads to prevent tearing.
Store your sling in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
There is a lot of opposing advice about how often you should replace lifting slings. Some companies will insist on replacing them every year, whereas others don’t deem it necessary to do so more often than every four years. It is essential that you get all machinery serviced regularly, which will be an important factor in deciding how often to replace lifting slings. The frequency of services will depend on the type of lifting equipment you have, but usually they will be required every 6-12 months. If your sling fails the inspection, you are required by law to replace it.


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