24 Sep 2013
Over the last few years or so it has been normality among the users of pallet trucks and across the industry that “When they’re gone, they’re gone” pallet trucks became so cheap that when they break it can be cheaper to buy a new one then buy the spare parts, wait for them to arrive, fit them only to find something else wrong with it requiring more parts and more time, it was simple; buy a new one!
Sadly this is no longer the case for any pallet trucks manufactured in China (which is probably 85% of brands out there). This was implemented after February 14th when the European Commission of Trade Protectorate self-initiated an Anti-Dumping investigation into the import of hand pallet trucks from the peoples republic of China, this also included the main parts of the truck such as the pump and chassis to avoid people trying to import the parts and assemble them in the UK (nice trying!!).
Pfaff Silberblau Pallet Truck
On February 7th 2013 the European Commission suggested that such products should incur a 88.1% duty! Thankfully this then reduced to 70.8% due to an appeal in Brussels. This tax was voted in by the EU on the 14th of March and has been applied to all Hand Operated Pallet Trucks imported from the Peoples Republic of China since in an effort to reduce the amount of hand pallet trucks that are dumped irresponsibly or due to economics to slow the usage of the worlds resources. The HMRC document can be seen here.
As a result the cost of most pallet trucks on the market has risen dramatically and unfortunately that includes ours, but you should not fear too much as we offer significant discounts upon most of our hand Pallet Trucks.